The UP College of Law Library
The UP College of Law Library is housed in Espiritu Hall, a 5-story building named in honor of former law Dean Jose A. Espiritu (1934-41; 1945-1952). It is located between Malcolm Hall (UP College of Law) and Bocobo Hall (UP Law Center), with Malcolm Theater on its ground floor .
The library areas are: the Law Learning Commons (2nd Floor), General Circulation & Technical services area (3rd Floor), Reserve section and a dedicated section for Rare Special Materials (4th Floor), and the Periodicals section (5th Floor). The whole floor area is accessible by a staircase and by a scenic elevator. In the satellite campus of UP-BGC, the Law Library is located on the 5th floor of the Henry Sy Sr building, while the Law Learning Commons is on the upper ground floor.
The UP Law Library, or simply LawLib, has an extensive collection of legal resources (printed and online) of books, journals, government publications (e.g., Official Gazette, Laws, and Legislation), and Philippine Reports and SCRA series both containing Philippine Supreme Court Decisions. It also subscribes to legal databases such as CD Asia Online and Lex Libris — the precursor of CD Asia Online — as well as foreign online databases like HeinOnline, Lexis Advance, and Westlaw.
Given the public character of the LawLib, its varied clientele, aside from its law students, Faculty, and non-teaching staff, includes legal researchers from different government agencies, law firms, and members from the legislative and judicial branches of our government. Over the years, the LawLib has serviced the need for legal resources, information, and materials of law practice community in the country.
Aside from Philippine legal materials, part of the printed collection includes legal resources from other jurisdictions such as US Supreme Court Reporters, American Law Reports, etc. Subscriptions for these were discontinued and replaced with the three online databases HeinOnline, Lexis Advance, and Westlaw.
The LawLib special collections include unpublished Supreme Court decisions, Spanish law books, and Indigenous law collections, to mention a few.
LawLib resources can be viewed using the Tuklas Discovery Service (Online Public Access Catalog) of the UPD Main Library using the advanced search option and selecting the college of law library as unit library location filter. The search generated result will show the available printed resources and subscribed e-resources (e.g., ebooks) of the LawLib.. Subscribed online legal resources like HeinOnline, Lexis Advanced, Westlaw are accessible to all authorized users via OpenAthens, a single sign-on authentication protocol of authorized users.

Rene B. Manlangit (Head Law Librarian)
Olga P. Bondal (Assistant Law Librarian)
Theresa M. Doringo (General Reference)
Anastacia Tarinay (Reserve Section)
Bryan Boy Cortez (UP BGC Library)
Armie O. Crisostomo (Acquisition Librarian)
Maria Cristina Sobrevinas (Administrative Assistant II)
Carmela M. Flordeliza (Senior Office Aide/UP BGC Library)